Kelly Bishop



Bishop’s practice revolves around exploring the idea of waste spaces or landscapes of the edges and challenging through sensitive presentation the perceived worth of such spaces. Installations using carefully juxtaposed found objects aim to highlight the subtle powers of places that can be seen as waste surplus to “true” landscape. Lines of value begin to blur and focus is directed away from the certainty of the road into the verges. A focus is put on the excitement and possibility presented where clear perimeter lines begin to fragment and fade and a sense of wilderness begins to encroach. Drawing acts as a tool to represent this breakdown not just on paper but throughout the work, lines and grids wobble and begin to fragment, dust drawings trace the slow curve lines of roads but in negative.


Kelly Bishop (b. 1993, Leeds) is an artist based at serf, Leeds. Bishop studied at Chelsea College of Art and graduated in 2015. Recent exhibitions include: Group Show One: Taction, Serf, Leeds (2016); Mantle Pieces, Assembly House, Leeds (2016); Over Time: The Poetic Image of the Urbanscape, The Crypt Gallery, London (2016); ex, East Street Arts, Patrick Studios, Leeds (2015).