The iPhone Residency – Will Kendrick

— The iPhone Residency

Opening Night: Friday 18 November 2016 18.00–21.00
Available by appointment: 19 November – 26 November 2016

After completing our residency Will Kendrick (With Support from Trevor H. Smith & music from KINLAW) exhibit their project “I’ll See You In Another Life Brother”.
I’ll See You In Another Life Brother
Work will explore the relationship that the artist has to the landscape and what natural landscape is in the face of virtual realities. Parallels between the coded natural world and that of the coded digital one will be a focus of this body of research and how this relates to human experience in a collective sense. The project’s ultimate aim is to establish a meld between fiction and reality, proposing a dreamstate moving freely between all platforms, worlds and mediums. Taking both cinematic and documentational footage from many of our planet’s coastal resorts and locations, Kendrick aims to produce a work which explores our attachments and expectations of location through our perception of truth in parallel to our ongoing obsession with literary, filmic, and digital platforms through which we now choose to tell each other stories and escape.
The iPhone Residency is an experimental curational project looking at contemporary modes of living in relation to technology and its possible implications. Using a designated device as the location of an artistic residency, it will provide a platform for a number of artists to each individually create and exhibit a body of work.