Selling Crass Tees to Upper Class Kids

— Michaela Cullen & Sam Hutchinson

Broken cameras, broken phone broken laptop broken internet owed money, taking the piss out of at work, broken fucking phone, writing this fuck you expected to work for free, fuck you expected free time, expected everything, unanswered emails, unanswered facebook messages, I hate Facebook, unanswered Instagram messages, screen still not working, fuck touchscreen, fuck ebay, broken scanner with my photos on, broken disc, holes in my shoes, holes in my socks, holes in my pockets, taking on too much work, expected to be strong, forgot birthdays forgot fathers day.

A collaborative work by: Michaela Cullen & Sam Hutchinson

PV 21st July
18.00- 21.00
Open by appointment til July 27th

23-25 Wharf Street