— Ailie Ormston & Elaine Ang

NATA DE COCO alludes to freshness.
NATA DE COCO is condensing freshness.

Ailie Ormston & Elaine Ang are attempting to develop works in their state of staled freshness, informally and honestly. In doing so, notions of well spent time and expiry dates have been digested in liquid form.

This one day performance-exhibition is a gesture to condense what could run for a weekend into NATA DE COCO. Time is well spent.

Ailie primarily makes music, videos and music videos to articulate her contemporary condition. This usually consists of characterised narratives, giving warped renditions of reality and circumstance. Observational comedy, boring cynicism and sincere confessions are recurring motifs. Recent work includes ‘I’d Quite Like to Not Do That Actually, Thanks’ [2017], a twenty-one-minute visual album, ’GUINNESS – THE DRINK’ [2016] found on YouTube and learning how to use sumac, how to fold a wrap sustainably and cutting bigger things into smaller things at her new job.

Elaine Ang
is away in Singapore. Living on fresh coconut water.